Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Alive in joburg by Neill Blomkamp

Alivie in joburg is a fictional sci-fi but with a documentary style twist. it looks at the contact of an alien space ship which brakes down directly over johannesburg. the aliens are rescued from the ship and relocated into a massive refugee camp called district 9 quickly turns into a slum. the film looks at both sides of the problem the human side wants the aliens to go, they raid and roit to afford enough for the next meal. the aliens can't leave and they want electricity and running water but they are denied these things and kept inside disctirct 9. the "MNU" werec the corperation who took over the alien operation and there the ones who keep them detained in district 9 but also the "MNU" keep alot of secrets and mistreat the aliens. the film keeps you wondering who are the protagonists with the aliens mugging and murdering or the humans keeping them in slums and not giving them proper rights. the film cut from documentary style to cinimatic style but it still uses a handheld feel to make it seem like it was filmed by someone there and keeps it flowing. lastly the film must of had quite a substantual budget as it has two helicopters and very good special effects.


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